He started his career in 1980 as an assistant project engineer and moved up the ranks to become a senior project management professional and chief advisor both nationally and internationally. He has been involved with several projects from initiation, planning, execution, control, to closure both in Jordan and internationally with public and private organizations.
Abbasi holds a B.Sc. Civil Engineering in 1980 from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, and masters in 1984 and D.Sc. degrees with distinction in “Engineering Management” in 1988 from The George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA. On the professional level he is a Certificated of Consultant Engineer in Engineering Management (JCE) 2016 from the Jordanian Engineering Association, a certified project management professional (PMP) 2005 from the Project Management Institute and was a licensed contractor from the Contractors State License Board (CSLB), CA 2003.
In 1988 he joined the Industrial Engineering (IE) Department, School of Engineering (SOE), at the University of Jordan (UOJ) as an Assistant Professor, which was a USAID project then, and participated in the development of the department, education package, and the curriculum. In 2000 promoted to an Associate Professor and to a full Professor in 2006. He has been responsible for teaching courses in management, economy, and statistics at both graduate and undergraduate levels and supervised over hundred senior graduation projects and master theses.
In addition to research and teaching at the UOJ, he undertook several managerial positions with SOE as the; Chairman of IE Department, Director of the Outreach Consultation Unit (OCU), Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dean with 6000 students guided by more than 161 faculty members, 73 supporting staff, 57 teaching and research laboratories, and a budget over USD 11 M, and the President of the UOJ Aqaba Branch, Aqaba with seven Schools: Basic & Marine Sciences, Business, Information Technology & Systems, Languages, Tourism and Hospitality, Nursing, Law, and the Marine Science Station (MSS), with about 3300 students, 85 faculty members, 120 administrative staff and a budget of USD 13 M.
He is engaged in consultation, development, and capacity building programs at the national and international levels, especially in management and project management (PM). He is the author of four books in PM.